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Diagnostic Equipment is used mainly for identifying the specific reasons for certain medical conditions. Some of the diagnostic devices are ECG machines (Electrocardiogram), pacemakers, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) etc. An Electrocardiogram machine is the most vital of all the diagnostic machines as it records the electrical signal from the heart to check different heart conditions. The basic principle for ECG machine is that it stimulates your body's muscles by changing the electrical potential of the muscle fibres. Unlike other cells, Cardiac cells have a property known as automaticity which can spontaneously initiate impulses. ECG machines consist of various segments such as QRS complex, ST and PR segments. Some machines even have features such as RR interval, and the amplitude of P, R and T waves. 

Showing 1-8 of 8 items.
Audio meter
Diagnostics Equipment
CardiCcare2000 -ECG
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ENT Diagnostic oto-ophthalmo set
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Oxy-50 Handheld Pulse Oximeter
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Foetal doppler 29503
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Diagnostics Equipment
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